If you would like to sell your property Marche, we can help you!

Phone: +39 0721 801582
E-mail: info@abitare90.it
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If you would like to sell or rent your property Marche, we can help you! Forward a description of your home to real estate agency Abitare90, in Marche, in Italy. We'll contact you for onther  information.

Want to sell or rent your home or your business?
Forward your request to the agency Real Estate Marche Italy by ABITARE 90

Personal Data

Surname Name
E-mail Country
Address Postcode
City District
Tel. Fax
Activity; Company Name

Additional questions or requests

Personal data will be processed by 'Real Estate Marche Italy by ABITARE 90', with the support of electronic and/or computerised means, only in order to satisfy your request. Adriano Sperindei is the holder of the above mentioned processing, as owner of the portal. Pursuant to the Legislative Decree 196/2003, the applicant has the right to access his/her own data at any time, and ask for the correction, integration, deletion or for the prohibition of their use. Having taken record of the information note, I authorize the processing and communication of personal data by 'Real Estate Marche Italy by ABITARE 90' in the above mentioned limits.

Consent for personal data processing pursuant to article 13 Legislative Decree 196/2003

Consent to receive commercial communications and the dissemination of personal data pursuant to article 13 Legislative Decree 196/2003

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